Life and business have been very busy! My sweet baby boy is now 6 months old! I still can't figure out how half a year has already gone by since he was born. I have made several spectacular cakes in the past weeks (several posted below). My website has been expanded to include images of the cakes and additional information!
Quite possibly the most exciting thing to happen for The Sweetest Course happened yesterday. I recieved a call around 1:30pm for a large cake (12" round four layers with whipped frosting and fresh berries between the layers and on top!)...and it was needed by the evening. The call was from the Hampton Coliseum and the cake was requested by the band in concert that night. I quickly realized this was the Black Eyed Peas! Thankfully, my son now takes two long naps (most days...sometimes). We raced to the store to buy all the ingredients and while he napped, I baked! Also, thankfully my wonderful husband was able to get home early from work to watch the little man! Working at record speed, I was able to finish the cake by 8:00 -- just in time! I found out this morning the cake MADE IT ON STAGE!!!! I wish I hadn't been so rushed, because it wasn't the best decorating I've done, but the whole thing is exciting none-the-less! I've never listened to the Black Eyed Peas before, but I think I might just have to become their newest fan! As soon as I can get a picture or video of the cake on stage I will post it! Here is a picture of it before it left my house!
While I raced and stressed to get this cake done in record time, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't the idea that I can do this often! I was very lucky to have the time to do it yesterday, but not everyday is this calm in our house! I will continue to request at least one week's notice or orders are subject to rush fees.
Other recent cakes:
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